I’ve done it before (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009), so I’ll do it again: summarize my bird lists.
I took two international trips this year: one with the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory to Mexico (you can read about the highlights — Dwarf Vireo! Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer! Red-breasted Chat! — here), and the other a quick third trip to Panama (previous: 2005 and 2007). Also two business trips to California, but not much time for birding, especially for species that I still didn’t have there.
- New life birds: 59. Most were from the Mexico trip. The last one was Fulvous-vented Euphonia in Panama.
- Total life birds: 1073.
- Total ABA-area birds: 579 (picked up one on the Winter Wren split).
- Total state birds: 311 (new was Golden-crowned Sparrow).
- Total birds in my home county: 259 (new: Trumpeter Swan, Golden-crowned Sparrow).
- Total city birds: 220 (I saw 148 this year). No new species this year.
- Total birds at work: 191 (new: American Pipit).
- Yard birds: 136 (new: Double-crested Cormorant flyover).
Happy New Year.