This has turned into a tradition. Here are links to 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008.
- New life birds: 37. Most were from my trip to Nicaragua in March. The last one was either Banded Wren or Long-tailed Manakin. The latter were amazing.
- Total life birds: 1011. Number 1000 was Ruddy Woodcreeper (Dendrocincla homochroa) at and ant swarm at the Selva Negra coffee farm in Nicaragua. Gotta like that.
- Total ABA-area birds: 578 (no new species this year).
- Total state birds: 310 (no new species this year).
- Total birds in my home county: 257 (no new species this year).
- Total city birds: 220 (I saw 156 this year). New for me
this year were Semipalmated Plover, Dunlin, and Vesper Sparrow. - Total birds at work: 190 (new this year, Common Goldeneye and White-winged Crossbill).
- Yard birds: 135 (no new species this year).
Next chance for life birds, I expect, will be in western Mexico in a couple months.
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Congrats on breaking 1000!