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6-word birding meme

Birding Girl tagged me with the 6-word birding meme. I have resisted all the 6-word memes that have been circulating for the last several months because at the keyboard, I am not a person of few words.

How to distill what "birding" means to me in six words? Should I wax poetic? Aim for pointed, sharp wit? Be terse and dramatic? Well, first I asked myself what it is that motivates me to observe and study birds, and why they capture my imagination and heart. It's not the pursuit, or the list, and sometimes it's not even the fact that they are birds rather than bees, bats, or beetles.

Birds: Part of a bigger picture.

I know you all get that.

Filed in Blogs, links, and the like

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  • Georgia April 9, 2008, 8:45 pm

    Thanks for the link to Birding Girl. She linked to a story about red-tailed hawks in Fenway Park, Boston (my old neighborhood).