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the year in birds: 2007

I did this for 2005 and 2006, and it's easier than making New Year's resolutions.

  • Number of species seen: I generally only keep local year lists, and in 2007 only kept up with a year list for my home city. I had 156 species, which is 8 better than the year I tried to do a city "big year."
  • New life birds: 3, all close to home. Purple Sandpiper, Black-backed Woodpecker, and Hoary Redpoll.
  • Total life birds: 911
  • Total ABA-area birds: 571
  • Total state birds: 308
  • Total birds in my home county: 251
  • Total birds in my home city: 213 (I added five species this year)
  • Total birds at my place of work: 186 (three new ones)
  •  Yard birds: 134. Two came just recently. Number 133 was a Northern Saw-whet Owl and 134 was a Northern Shrike.

 I anticipate that my next life bird will be found in four days, at the Metropolitan Nature Park in Panama City, Panama. We leave on Saturday, and I can sure use the getaway even though I am a bit anxious that this isn't such a good time to go. Last time I was there, I summarized the best birds of each day, and perhaps I'll do the same this time. The new birds I'm most looking forward to seeing will be in the highlands portion of our trip. They include Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher, Resplendent Quetzal, Red-headed Barbet, Slate-throated Redstart, and Collared Redstart.

As always, I wish you new birds — or other fabulous new experiences — in the New Year!

Filed in Me

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  • Mike January 2, 2008, 10:02 pm

    I hope you encounter both new birds and fabulous experiences. Have fun in Panama.

  • John January 2, 2008, 11:15 pm

    Have a good trip!

  • Hawkeye January 2, 2008, 10:32 pm

    Panama?! Take me! Take me!

  • Phantom Midge January 4, 2008, 9:34 pm

    What..you are tired of the 10 inches of snow and bitter cold? ;-) Sounds like a wonderful trip…take lots of pictures to post!

  • Clare January 5, 2008, 3:05 am

    Enjoy Blogmom. Relax. Unwind.

  • Ellen January 5, 2008, 5:21 pm

    I thought I'd seen enough Resplendent Quetzals when we visited Los Quetzales – we saw dozens, many very, very close up. Seeing your photo and knowing you are heading to Panama makes me realize – you can never see enough Resplendent Quetzals. My heart aches just thinking about them…


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