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the little farter

There are only two families of birds found just in the West Indies.  One is the Dulidae, consisting of one species, the Palmchat (Dulus dominicus) of Hispanolia.  The other is the Todidae, or todies, of which there are five species.

Todies are related to kingfishers and motmots, two of my favorite groups of birds, but are fetchingly unique. Todies are thought to have colonized the West Indies from the Yucatan of Mexico via Cuba.  The Cuban Tody (Todus multicolor), then, is the “original” tody species, and the most colorful.  Not clearly visible in this photo are the shocking pink flanks.

Todies are rotund, kinglet-sized birds with big heads, short tails, and long flat bills.  They inhabit various forest types with fairly dense structure, since they typically make only short flights, engaging in a characteristic foraging maneuver known as the “underleaf sally.” Todies sit on a twig, bill uplifted, scanning nearby foliage.  Then they dart out and scoop an insect off the underside of a leaf.

This behavior is not too unlike the conduct of motmots. But where motmots might be considered deliberate or even sluggish, todies appear eager and dynamic, “tiny verdigris busybodies” in the words of Thomas Barbour, who wrote Cuban Ornithology in 1943.  Todies are remarkably vocal, emitting various beeps, buzzes, and ticks (you can view video clips here).  They can also make a “wing-rattling” sound with their wings.

Yes, I’m getting to the farting part.

Todies have colorful nicknames on the islands where they are found.  Puerto Rico’s tody sometimes goes by Medio Peso, or half dollar. The Handbook of the Birds of the World goes on to explain,

The Cuban Tody is often known as the Pedorrera, a rather malodorous term referring to the noise made when breaking wind.

Cuban Todies are common, and in my visits to Cuba I have seen — and heard — many.  I assumed  Pedorrera, which means “little farter,” referred perhaps to the rapid ticking call (although I’m not sure what ailment would account for such sharp, staccato flatulence), or the wing-rattling, which is a strong whirring sound that can sometimes be heard as the bird takes off.  Either way, Cubans must have good imaginations, I thought, if they were reminded of passing gas by these noises.

My moment of enlightenment dawned one day while I was standing almost directly underneath a Cuban Tody as it scanned for lunch. No matter how many todies you see, you are always tempted to stop and watch these sprites, especially when one is right out in the open.  It turned a bright eye on a bug, and zipped out, doing the old “underleaf sally,” returning almost instantaneously to the same perch.  To my utter amazement (and, I’ll admit, delight), the move was accompanied by the unmistakable sound of a nice, ripe fart!

The tody ignored the group just below it, even as we exchanged high fives at having discovered the origin of the nickname. Out shot the tody from the twig once again, producing another sound worthy of the finest whoopee cushion.  The hilarity exhibited by the listeners proved too much for the bird, who moved into the forest. I’ve since heard other little farters earning their name, and it’s always a highlight. You have to be very close, and it seems the bird must execute a particularly quick, sharp move for the  correct sound to materialize.  There are many things to like about this cute and charismatic little bird, I almost hate to confess that this sound tops my list.

Famed avian ecologist Alexander Wetmore wrote in 1927,

If there be gnomes and elves in our world of birds, among them are the tiny todies, whose long, spadelike bills, light eyes, brilliant plumage and peculiar mannerisms make them the dwarfs and hobgoblins of the West Indian forests… their acquaintance is one of the greatest pleasures that comes to a foreign ornithologist traveling in their haunts.

This foreign ornithologist concurs completely.

Filed in Birds, Natural history, Travel

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  • Roger B. March 21, 2006, 3:19 pm

    What an excellent post – both entertaining and informative!

    The nearest we have to a pedorrera is the house martin. In the words of Simon Barnes, it makes "merry little farting calls" as it whizzes around gathering insects.

  • John March 21, 2006, 4:26 pm

    That's hilarious.

  • TroutGrrrl March 21, 2006, 4:54 pm

    C'mon, you MUST be making this up!

    You stand alone as the elite avian GI disturbance expert on my blogroll!

  • Lanny March 21, 2006, 5:05 pm

    Nutty, you are, as always, a wonder. Have you heard the mating shuttle of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird? This rapid, short, side-to-side display produces a similar sound, and similar puzzlement over its origin. Air passing through rectrices, I'd guess. "Further research is indicated."

  • Tom Lott March 21, 2006, 5:53 pm

    Thanks for an interesting and humorous anecdote. Another bird worthy of the title "Pedorrera" would be the Green Jay. Although I've casually observed these birds for short periods for many years, I wasn't aware of the "farting" call until they began to spend winters with us (about 30 miles south of San Antonio, TX). Interestingly, most writers politely describe this call as "a dry rattle," but upon hearing it, it's hard to dismiss the similarity to flatulence.

  • Clare March 22, 2006, 12:24 am

    Arn't they just the greatest little birds? I do believe that after the Trogan they are my favourite Cuban bird.

  • Mike March 23, 2006, 9:43 am

    I've looked unsuccessfully for todies on my trips to the West Indies. Clearly I should have been listening for them!

  • fred1st March 24, 2006, 6:42 am

    Made me grin. Good way to start a Friday. Thanks!

  • Nuthatch March 24, 2006, 6:53 am

    Once again, my readers show their fondness and fascination with those things we should, hmm, put behind us. This just encourages me, you know…

  • Cindy March 24, 2006, 3:07 pm

    LOL @ trouties comment- what a unique and beautiful little bird, can see why you are attracted to them. Thanks for sharing the unique behavior too- you do have that knack you know ;)

  • Gwyn March 25, 2006, 9:00 am

    Well, here's more encouragement for you, Nuthatch. A brilliant little bird, a unique feeding behavior AND a farting noise! I want to go to Cuba! What more can a person ask of a bird?

  • Trevor March 30, 2006, 8:25 pm

    How amazing. How hilarious.

  • A Blog Around The Clock December 26, 2006, 2:33 pm

    SciBlog Anthology suggestions so far

    Wow! I posted the call for suggestions on Friday night, it is a weekend and a holiday, the traffic is down to a half, yet I got so many suggestions already, both in the comments and via e-mail! I am…

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